Notes for Developers

The Radiative Transfer Workflow

This section is intended to give a superficial overview on the general workflow that the RT tasks are going through. It should be sufficient to give you a general idea of how things work, and allow you to plan and implement your own RT scheme into SWIFT.

For a more complete documentation on the tasking system used for RT, please refer to the subsequent section.

Workflow for the Radiative Transfer in SWIFT.

This figure shows the general RT workflow in SWIFT. The green nodes are the ones related to the RT.

  • There are some additions to star tasks:

    1. During the star density loop, we gather additional neighbour information that are required for the star-gas interaction.

    2. In the star ghost tasks, stars compute how much radiation they will inject in the surrounding gas. The radiation injection scheme follows the philosophy of the stellar feedback, and only stars that are currently active will inject radiation into neighbouring gas particles, regardless of whether the gas particle is currently active (as opposed to active gas particles “pulling” radiation from possibly inactive stars). So the each star needs to compute how much radiation it will emit during its current time step.

    3. During the stellar feedback interaction loop, the stars inject radiation onto neighbouring gas particles.

  • Ghost1 tasks operate on individual particles, and are intended to finish up any leftover work from the injection.

  • Gradient tasks are particle-particle interaction tasks, intended for particles to gather data from its own neighbours, e.g. so we can estimate the current local gradients. This is an interaction of “type 1”, meaning that any particle will only interact with neighbours which are within its own compact support radius.

  • Ghost2 tasks operate on individual particles, and are intended to finish up any leftover work from the “gradients”.

  • Transport tasks are particle-particle interaction tasks, intended to propagate the radiation. This is an interaction of “type 2”, meaning that any particle will interact with any neighbours within either particles’ compact support radius.

  • thermochemistry tasks operate on individual particles, and are intended to solve the thermochemistry equations.

Current Task System

Some RT tasks featured in the full task graphs below, like the rt_advance_cell_time, rt_collect_times, and rt_sorts, have not been mentioned in the previous section. They are necessary for internal machinations of the RT subcycling scheme, and do not affect the RT scheme itself. If you are implementing a new RT scheme into SWIFT, you should not need to touch those tasks. For more documentation on them, please refer to the subsequent section.

Task dependencies for the sink scheme.

This figure shows the task dependencies for the radiative transfer scheme. Some tasks with little or no relevance to the RT scheme have been simplified and condensed for clarity. This was done with SWIFT v0.9.0.

Task dependencies for the sink scheme.

This figure shows the full task dependencies for the radiative transfer scheme with self-gravity. This was done with SWIFT v0.9.0.

Notes on Subcycling

Note: This section is directed towards developers and maintainers, not necessarily towards users.

How it works

A subcycle is basically a SWIFT time step where only radiative transfer is being run.

After a normal SWIFT time step (i.e. after a call to engine_launch() and the global collection and communication) is complete, the starting time of the following global time step is known. We also collect the current minimal RT time step size, which allows us to determine how many sub-cycles we need to complete before the next normal SWIFT time step is launched. Particles are not drifted during a subcycle, and the propagation velocity (aka the speed of light) is taken to be constant, so the number of subcycles is fixed at the end of a normal step. For each subcycle, we then unskip the RT tasks, and make a new call to engine_launch().

For the time integration to work correctly, the time integration variables of particles like the time-bins are kept independently from the hydro ones. The same goes for the respective quantities of cells, like the next integer end time of the cell, or the minimal RT time step size in the cell. Furthermore, the global time variables that are stored in the engine (e.g. current integer time, current max active bin…) have a copy that is being kept up-to-date outside of normal SWIFT steps in the same manner the non-RT variables are being updated each normal step. The RT subcycling scheme never touches or changes any global time integration related variable.

Since the time stepping variables of particles and cells are taken to be constant during subcycles (because there are no drifts, constant speed of light), the timestep tasks are not being run during a sub-cycle. This effectively means that the particle time bins can only be changed in a normal step when the particle is also hydro-active. Furthermore, there are no MPI communications after the tasks have finished executing to update any global times etc. for the same reason. There are some functionalities of the timestep and the collect tasks which are still necessary though:

  • The timestep task also updates the cell’s next integer end time after it has been determined during the task. During a subcycle, the next end time is simply the current time plus the minimal time step size of the cell, but we need a task to actually update the cell at the end of each subcycle. The rt_advance_cell_time task does exactly that, and in that sense does the timestep task’s job during subcycles.

  • The collect task propagates sub-cell data like the minimal end time or the RT time step size from the super level to the top level. This functionality is replaced with the rt_collect_times tasks during subcycles. Note that the rt_collect_times tasks aren’t being activated during normal steps, as the collect tasks already do the job just fine.

Something special about the rt_advance_cell_time tasks is that they are also created and run on foreign cells. During a subcycle, the tend tasks don’t run and don’t update the cell time variables from the original cell, so during the subsequent unskipping, the data will be wrong, leading to all sorts of trouble. We can do that on foreign cells during sub-cycles because all the cell’s time step sizes stay fixed between two regular SWIFT steps, and hence the number of sub-cycles all the sub-cycles’ end times are predictable.

RT Sorts

The sorting of particles required for pair-type interaction tasks requires some special attention. The issues arise because a subcycle step of a cell can coincide with the main step of another cell. To illustrate, suppose we have two cells, A and B. Let cell A have a hydro time step of size 4, and cell B a hydro time step of size 8. Let both cells do 2 RT subcycles per hydro step each. In the graph below, an X represents when a cell will be updated:

Cell A
  Hydro active:    X               X               X               X               X
  RT active:       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X       X

Cell B
  Hydro active:    X                               X                               X
  RT active:       X               X               X               X               X

 t                 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18

Note that e.g. at t = 4, cell B is only RT active, while cell A is also hydro active. It being hydro active means that we will have a SWIFT main step at that time.

Now suppose cell cells A and B are neighbouring cells that undergo hydro interactions, but are on different MPI ranks. For the hydro interactions in the normal SWIFT step at t = 4, cell B will be sent over to the rank of cell A. Once it was received, it will be sorted, because after being received, the recv_xv task resets the arrived cell’s sort tasks, and a hydro sort is activated. This is the default hydrodynamics workflow.

Complications however arise when several conditions coincide:

  • a foreign cell has been drifted on its “home” domain due to some reason other than hydro, e.g. for gravity or for stellar feedback.

  • the foreign cell and all of its neighbours are not hydro active at the current main step, so no recv_xv task has been run on the local rank, no sort task has been run, and the sorting flags have not been reset for the cell.

  • the foreign cell is involved in an RT interaction that coincides with the current main step, i.e. the cell or one of its neighbours is RT active during a main step. (E.g. like cell A at t = 2 in the graph above.)

If these conditions are met, the cell will undergo an interaction while unsorted. Obviously that’s a no-no.

To illustrate this problem, consider the following scenario. Say we have cells A, B, and C. Cell A is “home” on MPI rank 0, while cell B is on MPI rank 1. In the current step in this scenario, cell A and B are both active for RT, and interact with each other. C has an active star, which inject energy into particles of B. Cell A and C do not interact with each other:

rank 0       | rank 1
   RT interaction        Star Feedback
A <----------|---> B <------------------ C

Since A and B interact, but are separated between different MPI ranks, both A and B will have local copies of each other available on their local ranks, respectively. These cells are referred to as “foreign cells”. Let’s denote them with an additional f:

rank 0                      | rank 1
         RT interaction     |        RT interaction      Star Feedback
       A <-------------> Bf |   Af  <-------------> B <------------------ C
                         ^  |   ^
(this is a foreign cell) |  |   | (this is a foreign cell)

Now let’s first have a look at the default workflow when hydrodynamics is involved. Assume that all cells A, B, and C are hydro and RT active for this step. Once again cells A and B interact, and B and C interact, but A and C don’t interact. Cell C contains an active star particle.

Without MPI, the order of operations for each cell would look like this: (operations where two cells interact with each other are marked with an arrow)

A                   B                  C
Drift               Drift               Drift
Sort                Sort                Sort
Density Loop <----> Density Loop <----> Density Loop
Ghost               Ghost               Ghost
Force Loop <------> Force Loop <------> Force Loop
End Force           End Force           End Force
Kick2               Kick2               Kick2

                                        Star Drift
                                        Star Sort
                    (inactive) <------> Star Density
                                        Star Ghost
                    (inactive) <------> Star Feedback

RT Ghost1           RT Ghost1           RT Ghost1
RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient
RT Ghost2           RT Ghost2           RT Ghost2
RT Transport <----> RT Transport <----> RT Transport
RT Tchem            RT Tchem            RT Tchem
Timestep            Timestep            Timestep
Kick1               Kick1               Kick1

Now with MPI communications, cells A and B need to send over the up-to-date data to their foreign counterparts Af and Bf, respectively, before each interaction type task (the ones with arrows in the sketch above). The order of operations should look like this: (The foreign cell Af on rank 1 is omitted for clarity, but follows the same principle as Bf on rank 0)

rank 0                                  |  rank 1
A                   Bf                  |  B                   C
Drift                                   |  Drift               Drift
                    Recv XV  <------------ Send XV
Sort                Sort                |  Sort                Sort
Density Loop <----> Density Loop        |  Density Loop <----> Density Loop
Ghost                                   |  Ghost               Ghost
                    Recv Density <-------- Send Density
Force Loop <------> Force Loop          |  Force Loop <------> Force Loop
End Force                               |  End Force           End Force
Kick2                                   |  Kick2               Kick2
                                        |                      Star Drift
                                        |                      Star Sort
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Density
                                        |                      Star Ghost
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Feedback
RT Ghost1                               |  RT Ghost1           RT Ghost1
                    Recv RT Gradient <---- Send RT Gradient
RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient         |  RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient
RT Ghost2                               |  RT Ghost2           RT Ghost2
                    Recv RT Transport <--- Send RT Transport
RT Transport <----> RT Transport        |  RT Transport <----> RT Transport
RT Tchem                                |  RT Tchem            RT Tchem
Timestep                                |  Timestep            Timestep
                    Recv tend <----------- Send tend
Kick1                                   |  Kick1               Kick1

Finally, let’s look at the scenario which causes problems with the sort. This is the case, as described above, when (a) cells A and B are RT active during a main step (like in the sketch above), (b) aren’t hydro active during a main step (unlike what is drawn above), (c) one of these cells is foreign (in this case, Bf), while the “home” cell (cell B) get drifted during a main step for some reason other than hydrodynamics, e.g. because a star interaction with cell C requested it.

In this case, the workflow looks like this:

rank 0                                  |  rank 1
A                   Bf                  |  B                   C
                                        |  Drift               Drift
                                        |  Sort                Sort
                                        |                      Kick2
                                        |                      Star Drift
                                        |                      Star Sort
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Density
                                        |                      Star Ghost
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Feedback
RT Ghost1                               |  RT Ghost1           RT Ghost1
                    Recv RT Gradient <---- Send RT Gradient
RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient         |  RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient
RT Ghost2                               |  RT Ghost2           RT Ghost2
                    Recv RT Transport <--- Send RT Transport
RT Transport <----> RT Transport        |  RT Transport <----> RT Transport
RT Tchem                                |  RT Tchem            RT Tchem
Timestep                                |  Timestep            Timestep
                    Recv tend <----------- Send tend
Kick1                                   |  Kick1               Kick1

The issue is that with the missing hydro communication tasks, the first communication between cell B and its foreign counterpart Bf is the recv_rt_gradient task. Recall that during a communication, we always send over all particle data of a cell. This includes all the particle positions, which may have been updated during a drift. However, the sorting information is not stored in particles, but in the cell itself. For this reason, a sort task is always run directly after a cell finishes the recv_xv task, which, until the sub-cycling was added, was always the first task any foreign cell would run, with a subsequent sort.

The RT sub-cycling now however allows the recv_xv task to not run at all during a main step, since it’s not always necessary, as shown in the example above. All the required data for the RT interactions can be sent over with send/recv_rt_gradient tasks. An unintended consequence however is that in a scenario as sketched above, at the time of the A <---> Bf RT Gradient interaction, cell Bf will not be sorted. That’s a problem.

To solve this issue, a new task has been added, named rt_sorts. It is only required for foreign cells, like cell Bf, and only during normal/main steps (as we don’t drift during subcycles, there won’t be any reason to re-sort.) On local cells, each time a drift is activated for an interaction type task, the sort task is also activated. So there is no need for rt_sorts tasks on local cells. An additional advantage to adding a new sort task like the rt_sorts is that it allows us to sidestep possible deadlocks. Suppose that as an alternative to the rt_sort tasks we instead use the regular hydro sort task. The default hydro sort task is set up to run before the other hydro tasks, and in particular before the kick2 task. However the RT and star tasks are executed after the kick2. This means that there are scenarios where a cell with a foreign counterpart like cells B and Bf can deadlock when Bf is waiting for the recv_rt_gradient to arrive so it may sort the data, while B is waiting for Bf to finish the sorting and proceed past the kick2 stage so it can run the send_rt_gradient data which would allow Bf to run the sorts.

The rt_sorts tasks are executed after the first RT related recv, in this case the recv_rt_gradient. The order of operations should now look like this:

rank 0                                  |  rank 1
A                   Bf                  |  B                   C
                                        |  Drift               Drift
                                        |  Sort                Sort
                                        |                      Kick2
                                        |                      Star Drift
                                        |                      Star Sort
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Density
                                        |                      Star Ghost
                                        |  (inactive) <------> Star Feedback
RT Ghost1                               |  RT Ghost1           RT Ghost1
                    Recv RT Gradient <---- Send RT Gradient
                    rt_sort             |
RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient         |  RT Gradient <-----> RT Gradient
RT Ghost2                               |  RT Ghost2           RT Ghost2
                    Recv RT Transport <--- Send RT Transport
RT Transport <----> RT Transport        |  RT Transport <----> RT Transport
RT Tchem                                |  RT Tchem            RT Tchem
Timestep                                |  Timestep            Timestep
                    Recv tend <----------- Send tend
Kick1                                   |  Kick1               Kick1

In order to minimize unnecessary work, three new cell flags concerning the RT sorts have been added:

  • cell_flag_do_rt_sub_sort: tracks whether we need an RT sub sort, which is equivalent to the cell_flag_do_sub_sort flag for hydro. We can’t use the hydro flag though because the hydro flag is also used to early-exit walking up the cell hierarchy when activating hydro subcell sorts. In particular, this condition in cell_unskip.c:cell_activate_hydro_sorts_up():

void cell_activate_hydro_sorts_up(struct cell *c, struct scheduler *s) {
    /* omitted lines */

    for (struct cell *parent = c->parent;
        parent != null && !cell_get_flag(parent, cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sort); parent = parent->parent) {
    /* !! this is the problem ---^ */

    /* omitted lines */

The sort activation for RT and for hydro can run concurrently. So there is no guarantee that when the hydro sort activation sets the cell_flag_do_hydro_sub_sort flag, the RT sorting tasks will be activated correctly, which occurs at the top of the cell hierarchy tree walk. So we need an independent flag for RT here to not abort the tree walk early and in error.

  • cell_flag_do_rt_sort: tracks whether the call to the runner_do_hydro_sort() function was requested by an RT sort. (Both the (hydro) sort and the rt_sort tasks call the same function.) This flag is used to discriminate during the actual sorting in the runner_do_hydro_sort() function if the internal check whether the cell is drifted to the current time may be disregarded. When an RT subcycle coincides with a main step, the particles won’t necessarily be drifted to the current time as there is no need to drift them for RT only. This is intended behaviour, so we allow runner_do_hydro_sort() to skip this drift check in the case where the sorting was requested for RT purposes.

  • cell_flag_skip_rt_sort: Tracks whether a regular hydro sort has been activated for this cell. If it has, then there is no need to run an RT sort as well, and we skip it.